Am I a macro photographer? Yes, I am.
It is true what they say, that photography is quite an
expensive hobby. Even with every photo equipment that you already have, you
still want to get more new gadgets, lenses, additional lights, modifiers, and
other stuff that will help upgrade your photography skills and to experiment
with new ideas. So I now, again, have come to the point where I feel for me to
achieve a full happiness as a photographer I absolutly must have a new macro
lens. Not just any macro lens, but THE MACRO LENS! This super macro lens is
only available for Canon body.
So, lately I have developed this obsession for macro
photography. I started reading about it and doing my research on different
lenses. I spent a good amount to time searching for true macro lenses,
comparing them to each other, reading reviews. At the end I have found the
one!!! It is not a cheap lens to buy, but from what I have seen so far - it
worth it.
I started doing photography with Canon EOS 70D - Body, and then I
switched to a full frame Nikon D810 which is what I use now 90% of the time in
all of my photo shoots. But for the sake of my new obsession with macro
photography and this fantastic macro lens, which by the way can do a fivefold increase, I'm
ready again to switch back to Canon so I can create a gallery of fantastic
shots of all insects in my South Florida backyard. And if I do fall in love
with macro photography, which I think I will, I am going to have to buy a new
Canon Mark full frame just for this lens alone… Like I said “Expensive hobby”
with no limit!!!
Here's what I need:
Canon MP-E 65mm f/2.8 1-5X Macro Lens
Neewer Macro Focusing Focus Rail Slider
And also I think I'll need a flash ring, I have not yet
decided which one:
This one - Neewer 48 Macro LED Ring Flash with LCD Display Power Control or this one - original Canon MR-14EX II Macro Ring Lite.
And I would like to try this babe Raynox DCR-250 Super Macro Snap-On Lens, I can use it also on almost any lens on NIKON.
Any advice on conquering macro photography?
Once I get this lens (SOON) I’ll make a post for unwrapping
it and show you what you get with your purchase. Also I will do some test shots
to show you the quality of this lens.
So keep on following me on my social media channels and my
website for new updates.